3 Ways to Save Money on Makeup

Let’s talk about makeup and your budget! Makeup is one of my favorite hobbies, but it can also be an expensive one! Not so long ago, I used all my fun money (plus some!) on makeup. Playing with makeup is like self care for me! I watched YouTube videos with a lot of my free time, and then I wanted to buy everything that they used because they made it look so beautiful and effortless. Honestly, as much as I loved my makeup collection and buying new, pretty things, it really pained me to add up how much money I had spent on products that I wouldn’t use as much as I thought I would. I remember sitting in my bathroom decluttering my makeup drawer and feeling sick over the amount of money I had wasted on products I rarely touched. I knew I needed to save money on makeup and stop buying all the latest trends.

Fast forward to today: I still love makeup, but I typically only use the basics that help me feel more put together. While I still enjoy trying new products and taking time to put together new looks, my everyday look is very minimal. As a former makeup shopaholic, here are some of my tips for saving money on makeup.

Save money on high end products by shopping the sales

Shop the Sales

Sales are a great way to stock up on your favorites as well as try new things for less. I recently got my Too Faced bronzer from Ulta’s 21 day sale for half off. That made it the same price as if I bought a bronzer from the drugstore! When it’s something you know you’ll use and love, stock up. I have family members who stocked up on their favorite moisturizer when it was half off. Now they have enough to last until the next big sale when they can stock up again!

I usually think being subscribed to stores’ promotional emails is dangerous. However, if you can be disciplined to look without buying it can really pay off. When you buy from the same store (Ulta is my favorite!) you can earn points, which equates to dollars off future purchases. Often times, coupons exclude the fancy, expensive makeup, but you can earn points and use the coupons on drugstore items there. I also get coupons every once in a while from Ulta for 20% off anything, including the more prestigious brands. My solution? Make a wishlist of the things you love or want to try. When that coupon comes around, then you can buy something off your wishlist. Not only have you saved money, but you also worked on your discipline and patience by waiting.

Save money by finding what you can spend less on and what is worth the splurge

Find Your Ride or Dies

As I mentioned before, these days I do a quick, minimal look. The goal is to look a little less tired (#toddlermom) and to feel better. With that being said, I have gotten to the point where I will spend more money on some things than others. I always try to find a cheaper option, but if the more expensive stuff works the best for me and has the company ethics I try to support, I will buy it. I just pick and choose what is worth paying more money for.

Honestly, lipsticks and eyeshadows are things I wear so infrequently that it doesn’t make sense for me to spend a lot of money on them (though I definitely have a collection of both from my shopping spree days, and I still get some through Ipsy). While lipsticks aren’t worth a high price tag for me, skin care is. You need to figure out what your priorities are and what you’re willing to spend more on.

Save money with Ipsy so you can try new things without spending a ton of money


Now, if you have sensitive skin that struggles with new products, then this may not be the tip for you. Ipsy is currently my favorite way of trying new things. While it is a monthly subscription, it really helps me save money on makeup and skincare. Honestly, I hardly ever need to buy face wash, moisturizers, masks, or even mascaras because I get so many samples!

I have found that filling out and updating their beauty quiz is a great way to ensure that I get more of what I really want and use (skin care) and less of what I don’t use (lipsticks). When I do get one, it’s still fun to try it out and play around! It satisfies the side of me that loves to play with makeup! Each product ends up costing under $3 so it doesn’t break the bank like my previous habits did. I’ve used the service for a couple of years now, and my bags have gotten better and better the more I review products and update my preferences.

If you’re interested in trying out Ipsy, you can use the links I’ve included. They are referral links, so I earn points I can use toward purchases when you subscribe through me. I appreciate the support, and wouldn’t recommend it if I didn’t absolutely love it!

So there you have it! If you have another tip to help save money on makeup, be sure to share it in the comments below!