June Goals

I love fresh starts. While I absolutely believe that you don’t have to wait for Monday or the first of the year, I definitely feel more motivated to accomplish my goals on those days. So when a new month rolls around, you better believe I have a list of goals I want to achieve! And in the summertime? Watch out, because I have more time to accomplish things! Today we’re talking all about my goals for June. I have broken my goals down into a few major categories that I’m focusing on this summer: personal, reading, and business.


Personal Goals


I’m following my Self Care Calendar, so each day I have a task that is oriented toward making small healthy choices. Each day of the week has a theme, like drinking water, getting outside, and getting a good night’s sleep. Each day’s task is simple, like adding lavender to your pillow to help you sleep, taking a walk outside, or making a lip scrub with kitchen ingredients.

In addition to following the calendar, I would like to establish a summer exercise routine. I think that will mean working out in the morning during the baby’s nap time.

My biggest goal for the summer is by far to enjoy my time off with my baby. N is 8-months old, and I just love watching her learn new things. This summer she will likely hit some developmental milestones, and I want to make sure I’m present to watch her accomplish them!


Reading Goals


My main goal is to read at least 30 minutes every single day, but I’m really hoping to read 4 books this month:

You can check out my post on my Summer TBR to get some ideas of books that I’m looking forward to having time to read. I have already started listening to Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson on audiobook. This is a reread for me, but I am already sucked in again and am reminded of how much I adore the writing and characters in this book!


Business Goals


I have a lot of goals for my business this month. This summer I am really focusing on creating valuable content, so I’m hoping to:

  • Work 10 hours per week on product creation
  • Create 1 blog post each week
  • Post 1 YouTube video each week


What are your biggest goals for this month? What are small actions you can take every day to get you closer to the end goal